
This is a collection of my graphic design and marketing work. Further details of my skills are provided below the gallery content.

Chicago Over Time

Sunrise, Nightfall

This was a graphic design piece and was created in part of a series exploring the city over time.

The first image, Sunrise, Nightfall, created a sense of a timelapse in a different medium than traditional timelapses are created in(film). The material used for this project was mainly time. The medium used was photography and photoshop.


Tuck Fype

Tuck Fype
Tuck Fype
Tuck Fype
Tuck Fype

Tuck Fype.

Photography, Research, Typography.




This was a full-scale company creation, branding and advertising. A snipit of the content is provided here,feel free to contact me for the full project if interested.

This project included these topics, but not limited to: Photoshop, Photography, Logo, Branding, Ad Campaign, Touchpoints.


Chicago Waterway Museum

Chicago Waterways Museum
Chicago Waterways Museum
Chicago Waterways Museum

Chicago Waterway Museum was a project that focused on branding, logo creation and creating a corporate poster that could hold a significant amount of information clearly and elegantly.

Typography, Logo, Branding, Design, Layout.




Focused around promotional marketing techniques, this project consisted of a brand creation and a product or service that was offered and could have various promotional opportunities applied to them. I created CupBake, a single-serving small kitchen appliance that creates custom cupcakes in a short time. A spin on the idea of Kuerig only in the form of cupcakes not coffee.

Design, Promotion, Advertising, Marketing, Branding, Logo, Product.


Foundations College Prep

Foundations College Prep

Foundations College Prep is a real business that my team and I created a Public Relations packet for. This packet included the items listed in the table of contents (as seen above) and an overall summary of the ways to reach their goal.

Marketing, Public Relations, Design, Layout, Research.


More Projects Coming Soon!

More coming soon!

Please check back soon to view more exciting work produced.


Webdesign Portfolio


The original mockup of this Website created in Photoshop and then later coded for your viewing pleasure. The Project detail page was created into a popup on the portfolio page instead.


Graphic Design | Marketing | Other

Graphic Design

I am highly adept using the Adobe Creative Suite, Microsoft Office and several other programs and applications.


I'm proficient with marketing, advertising and promotional techniques and am willing to integrate these skills in order to cater to your marketing needs. My graphic design background helps me understand the balance between design components, marketing goals and their integration importance.


In addition, I am involved with promotional modeling, am a brand ambassador, a sales associate, a hostess, an athlete, a leader, and more. If these are related to your needs don't hesitate to ask me about them.

I can provide a complete resume upon request.

Copyright Jamile Designs ©